Casepoint Legal Discovery platform integrates multiple artificial intelligence capabilities to identify the most relevant documents and efficiently review your collection. These capabilities, collectively called CaseAssist, include CaseAssist Active Learning and the CaseAssist Data Stories, which empower users to conduct real-time analytics on their data. The advanced analytics of CaseAssist builds visualizations from structured and unstructured data, revealing patterns and anomalies. From a broad overview to granular insights about each document, these models classify content to give you actionable insight to frame your legal strategy. 

CaseAssist automates matter evaluation with advanced algorithms that scrutinize expansive data sets using a variety of filters and classifications. CaseAssist reveals relationships between and among custodians, conversations, and relevant legal topics through advanced concept searching and in-depth filtering. Even non-technical users can identify patterns in the evidence and uncover key themes without developing complex search queries or creating training sets. Following are key ways CaseAssist enables customers to accelerate time to insight and develop intelligent legal strategies:

1. Accurately and Defensibly Identify the Most Relevant Documents with Caseassist Active Learning

CaseAssist Active Learning is simple to use with powerful results. Casepoint’s CaseAssist Active Learning constantly learns from your input to continuously predict and rank unreviewed documents. CaseAssist Active Learning supports full verification, precision, recall, model stability, and F-measure reporting. It helps with review prioritization, review automation, and workflow automation with the integrated dynamic batch solution.

CaseAssist Active Learning uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to enable legal teams to accurately and defensibly identify the most relevant documents and cull non-relevant data automatically with minimal human intervention, saving countless hours of expensive human review time. Furthermore, our dynamic batching that will batch documents automatically based on their ranking, making sure you see the most relevant documents first. 

Setting up CaseAssist Active Learning and managing it is also quick and easy. At a glance, the CaseAssist Active Learning dashboard showcases the real-time progress as data is classified, no manual efforts necessary! 

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2. Find Key Documents Quickly

Data Stories, another feature of CaseAssist, helps legal teams find and review key documents much faster. The foundation of any document review begins with searching for specific terms, dates, individuals, and other essential information. Data Stories leverages those items to build “stories” from the data. Stories are built from key documents, notable paragraphs or phrases, and user-entered text. If you are further along in your review, you may also want to associate tags or key documents to help CaseAssist seek out similar documents.  

Access the folders built by CaseAssist – People, Dates, or Key Term – and expand them to see the subfolders where CaseAssist has grouped the information by the different criteria. Legal teams may compose multiple intersecting stories from the evidence to discover key facts and relationships which form the basis of their legal strategy.

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3. Accelerate Review by Analyzing Documents

CaseAssist provides a way to analyze pleadings and complaints or any sample document. By entering or uploading text from such documents, you can use artificial intelligence to find documents in your workspace that may be related.  CaseAssist will also classify documents by Person, Organization, Event, and more. For example, upload text from a contract and have CaseAssist find similar contracts that are in your workspace. The sooner you find those relevant documents, the sooner you can start using CaseAssist Active Learning to really speed up your review.

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If you are working hard to identify relevant search terms, you can try our Analytics Quick Search. This is another great element that works in conjunction with CaseAssist.  For example, Word Sense Concept displays the synonyms of the selected key terms according to the multiple senses or meanings of the word. You can also use this tool to add key terms directly into a CaseAssist Story. Before you know it, you will have a thorough search term list to help you leverage the rest of CaseAssist. 

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AI and Analytics have become pivotal for legal discovery needs. A recent LexisNexis study finds that 70% of law firms are now using analytics for both the practice of law and the business of law, 98% indicate legal analytics have improved their firm’s performance, and 92% plan to increase their use of analytics over the next 12 months. Casepoint patented AI and analytics capabilities are integrated and packaged with Casepoint’s unified, end-to-end legal discovery platform and enable customers to leverage these capabilities from day one to boost productivity and business results.

Today, Casepoint further augmented its advanced analytics and AI capabilities. Check out our whitepaper to learn more.

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Ivette Basterrechea

Director, Client Services
