As a certified trainer for the past 10 years, I’ve witnessed many approaches to receiving training. I can guarantee, that with a little effort, you can master an end-to-end eDiscovery software product, and it will greatly benefit your day-to-day workflow. 

Some eDiscovery platforms are more intuitive than others, and therefore easier to use, which allows training to be productive and accelerates the adoption process. By applying yourself to one hour of training, you’ll learn how to save yourself even more time in the long run. Think of it this way, you wouldn’t be able to drive a car if you never took a driving course. The same principle applies to eDiscovery tools – you can’t “drive” the software without first learning how. 

These are the top 10 things you should keep in mind for your next eDiscovery training that, from my experience, will enhance the learning process and advance your knowledge of useful features.

1. The trainer is here to help you.

No, really. As someone who has trained thousands of attorneys, I can truthfully say that my goal is to make you look like a rockstar. These are really nifty tools I’m showing you – you’ll learn how to fly through your document sets using tools like CaseAssist, timelines, early case assessment culling, and a whole host of other dynamic elements. Trainings are geared to ensure you are spending the least amount of time reviewing documents. So that you have more time for drafting briefs.

2. Bring your best self to the training.

When you arrive to the training – whether it is done online or in a conference room with the trainer present – give it your full attention and best effort. Minimize distractions. It’s tempting to look at your phone or check your email, but try to restrain yourself. The more you learn from the trainer, the less time you will spend looking through thrilling emails about fantasy football leagues from 2004 in a data set.

3. Shift Your Mindset.

Yes, you are used to doing that one task in a specific way in the old platform, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best way to accomplish that task. Change can be tough, but the benefits are monumental. You have the potential to cut the time it takes to execute in half, if not more. Take advantage of the feature enhancements that are offered to you. Not only is it more productive, but the process has also been simplified for you. 

4. Consider how this software might have helped you on a previous case.

Did you have a hard time finding the pertinent documents for a previous case? You know those extremely relevant documents, the winning documents, are in there somewhere. The right tool can speed up the process. When you’re trying to slog through thousands of documents, finding the needles in the haystack can feel like an impossible task. Having an easy-to-use tool with advanced feature sets embedded can make it possible.

5. Ask questions. Lots of questions.

As I always tell my students, the only dumb questions are the ones you don’t ask. The trainer is there to help you and she can’t do that unless you tell him or her what’s on your mind. In my experience, if you have a question, there is at least one other person in the class – probably more than one – who wants to ask the same question but is afraid to say anything. Be daring. Be bold. Ask questions.

6. Don’t forget to enjoy this.

Training can be, and should be, fun. It’s scientifically proven that people learn more when they are relaxed and enjoying what they are doing. So bring a notebook, bring questions, and bring your sense of humor.  I promise you will get so much more out of the training if you do. And if you have the chance…

7. Do a little internal research.  

Talk to some of your peers and see what software they are using to find their important documents. What are some of the tricks they use to make it work better for them?

8. Find out about your data.  

What will you be doing in the eDiscovery tool? Will you be running searches? Reviewing documents? You will accomplish these tasks much more efficiently if you go into the training knowing what you need to focus on.

9. Get to know your eDiscovery team.  

You have one. You may not know them, but they are there. Your eDiscovery department has a wealth of information – about the software, the data received on the case, and much more.  Make them your new best friends – bring them some donuts! They work long hours and a little appreciation goes a long way.

10. Learn about the EDRM.  

What, you’ve never heard of it? It’s the Electronic Discovery Reference Model and it describes the process from beginning to end. Understanding the process goes a long way, making your job easier – and isn’t that the whole point anyway?

Seeking more best practices and pro-tips? Check out this blog on how to manage a better data hand-off between departments.

The Top 10 Things to Remember During eDiscovery Training
Maintaining ESI Protocol Blog
Erika Kilborn


Erika Kilborn

Senior Director, Product Education & Training