Time is precious. Nobody, especially lawyers, has extra time to suffer through slow eDiscovery software. Sadly, that is exactly what happens in too many law firms. Waiting for results to load or requests to slowly process is more than just annoying and time-consuming. It is inefficient and can cost precious time spent on more important issues.
Since Casepoint is dedicated to a smarter eDiscovery solution from end-to-end, we realize the important role time plays in your overall litigation efforts. This is why Casepoint built fast performing technology into our software. The result is fast performance and nearly unlimited scalability as our clients’ data grows.
How Casepoint can be so Fast
We designed our software from the ground up to deliver blazing fast cloud performance. Don’t just take our word for it though. We’ll describe three high-performance features that enable Casepoint users to work quickly even with high document volumes.
Don’t worry. We won’t go off into long-winded technical explanations. But when an eDiscovery software company talks to customers about their high performance, they should tell them how they achieve that performance. If they can’t, chances are that software is not that fast at all.
Caching UI elements: When users login, Casepoint downloads user interface elements from the Web to their local computer and keeps it there while they’re working.As they are using Casepoint, instead of the software going back and forth to the Web, it simply retrieves application data from the computer’s fast(er) local cache. Caching both saves the web server and running application a lot of work, which saves users a lot of time by considerably speeding up operations.
Prefetching the next document: Casepoint fetches the documents that users are likely to need before they request them.The prefetch process speeds up individual queries and document retrieval by queing up related documents ahead of time. Prefetching happens in the background, so users are never interrupted by the process.
HTTP/2 with data transmission pipelining: Casepoint uses a Web protocol that is built for fast Internet speeds.HTTP/2 stands for “Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2,” which is quite a mouthful. The main thing to know is that HTTP/2 decreases latency, which is the time lag that can occur between local computers and the Web. HTTP/2 speeds up how fast pages load in the Web browser. When it comes to online applications HTTP/2 will only work if the application supports it – and many online eDiscovery applications don’t. Casepoint does, so lawyers can take advantage of high-speed processing. One way HTTP/2 accelerates traffic data transmission pipelining, where multiple requests are immediately sent over a single connection.
HTTP/2 enables advanced application performance between your location and the cloud, and pre-fetching and caching combine for a very fast user experience on your local computer. Together these three elements make for high-performance eDiscovery that won’t slow down as your data grows. With solutions like ours, lawyers don’t need to make do with legacy eDiscovery software that slows down the more they use it. Thanks to our natively fast performance and the cloud’s high scalability, Casepoint works with our clients to keep their eDiscovery running smooth and fast.
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