Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Advanced Analytics are an integral part of modern eDiscovery. By utilizing these tools proactively and productively, users can solve many day-to-day problems in less time, while also improving their organization’s bottom line. AI simply reduces the time it takes to complete tasks, which assists lawyers in doing their jobs more efficiently. Employing AI gives lawyers more time to focus on higher-level objectives, such as case strategizing.
CaseAssist is the name of Casepoint’s Advanced Analytics feature set. All of the features in CaseAssist are automatically turned on to assist legal teams in identifying and prioritizing key documents quickly during the review process. The features of CaseAssist include three main sets: Data Stories, CaseAssist Active Learning, and Iterative TAR (TAR 1.0).
CaseAssist’s AI algorithms accelerate the eDiscovery process by locating crucial documents and aiding in business decision-making and case direction. CaseAssist can save your firm time and money by not only increasing efficiency and accuracy, but it is also available at no additional cost and is available for every matter.
AI and advanced analytics have gone from being “nice-to-have” to a business and legal necessity. To follow Casepoint’s Artificial Intelligence-driven initiatives, visit our dedicated AI page.
Senior Marketing Manager
- advanced analytics, 
- AI,