Legal Tech — Behind the Tech: Client-Centric Innovation: The Evolution of the Casepoint Platform

One In a Continuing Series of Articles Looking At Legal Tech Innovation and the Story Behind It

In seeing clients’ pain-points and becoming intimately engaged with their internal processes, my colleagues and I resolved to address a problem that many of our clients may not have even known they could fix. Our overriding goal from the outset was to fill the efficiency void that was so obvious in all of the feedback we were receiving from clients across the board by developing a fully integrated, end-to-end legal workflow platform.


When I started working in the legal space more than two decades ago, it soon became apparent to me that there were plenty of opportunities for automation to help us do things faster, better and more cost-effectively. I was convinced then — and I am still convinced today — that automation is the key to efficient process management.

Even then, it was obvious that data volumes and costs related to e-discovery were quickly getting out of hand. A broad range of software applications emerged in the marketplace in response to inefficiencies across the EDRM. This was initially encouraging, but over the years it also became clear that the proliferation of software applications in response to these inefficiencies was contributing to a highly fragmented landscape, with each “solution” addressing only a small part of the overall problem.

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