It’s time to stop settling for ‘good enough’ – and start getting the kind of fast, cost efficient cloud collection results that drive modern eDiscovery.

Collecting cloud-based data used to be a specialist eDiscovery task. But as cloud becomes the new normal, cloud collection does too. Many businesses now run on Microsoft Office 365 or Google G Suite. Dropbox and Box have become everyday collaboration tools. As a result, requests for cloud collections from corporate and law firm clients have increased exponentially.

Innovation has accelerated

Over the last two years, there has been an equally vigorous sharpening of R&D focus on cloud collection from the most dedicated eDiscovery teams. Innovators are driven by the desire to give clients what they really need.

The best solutions today deliver a super-fast, easily scalable, low-cost approach to cloud collection. They can effortlessly scoop up terabytes of data from scores of custodians and cloud locations. Gmail. Microsoft 365. Dropbox. You name it. They can also ensure that collected cloud data is rapidly ready for ECA (Early Case Assessment) or full analytics and review, without the risk of losing data integrity.

The trick is bringing together – on one inherently integrated platform – all the brilliant tools and custom services that deliver cloud collection, ingestion, processing, hosting, and review.

Seamlessly. Securely. Cost-effectively. By being simply smarter.

Innovation has accelerated

It’s time to demand more

These days, partnering with a vendor that has a basic or piecemeal cloud collection strategy isn’t enough. The most ambitious law firms and corporations are rightly challenging the industry to provide this new breed of faster, safer, more intuitive cloud collection capability as standard. They’re demanding clever new one-click authorization cloud approaches that bypass the need to collect individual usernames and passwords, cutting down the time to collecting cloud data while increasing accuracy and minimizing cost.

Because no matter how much technology evolves and the world moves forward, time and money still rule.

As you’d expect from a team of bold thinkers and client service fanatics, Casepoint is leading this innovation charge. Our proven Cloud Collection approach is already over three years old and has been tried and tested, again and again, on real client projects. It uses the latest APIs, and we keep evolving our approach to keep it current as well as expand it include newer cloud repositories.

Cloud collection made simply smarter
Take a look at what we can do for you
David Carns


David Carns

Chief Revenue Officer

David Carns held the position of Casepoint’s Chief Revenue Officer from May 2010 to Mar 2023. He was responsible for sales, customer satisfaction, and implementing best practices. He brought over 24 years of litigation and technological experience supporting law firms and corporate clients.  Prior to joining Casepoint, David was the Director of…
