Despite the emerging use of technologically assisted review, the traditional first level review of documents by attorneys will be part of the legal process for the foreseeable future. This is not to say that technology cannot improve this often tedious task.  Advanced technology that is easy-to enables teams of reviewers to make accurate and timely coding decisions. Speed and efficiency are the most needed results, and on these, Casepoint can deliver. 

The goal of first level review is to analyze and make determinations on the relevance or significance of documents specific to the matter. Coding – with tags, issues and attorney notes – is the standard way to record these designations within a review platform: relevance, responsiveness, privilege, etc. This process is necessary to organize the massive amounts of data we are seeing today so that attorneys can reach successful outcomes for their clients.

Coding templates promote speed & efficiency

To promote speed and efficiency, organization should start with your coding templates. Casepoint provides the greatest flexibility for designing your review workflow, beginning with your coding pane itself. Create the best combination of tags, issues, fields, lists and notes to capture as much information as possible during that first level review. In the alternative, design a coding pane that is simple and quick to use. Use our role and permission settings to limit what some reviewers can access and modify that on the fly as needed.

Eliminate inconsistencies with review permissions

Every document review is different and review teams come along with the same diversity. Legal knowledge, review habits and familiarity with review platforms will vary. Let Casepoint take some of the guesswork and inconsistencies out of the review equation to reduce the time spent revisiting documents for quality control. We can design a review workflow that allows reviewers the freedom to tag at will or let you take more control over review with our coding rules.

Utilize Casepoint’s flexibility to promote accuracy

Casepoint can enable conditional coding or mutually exclusive coding. Conditional coding highlights additional required fields in response to a specific coding action. For example, if a reviewer tags a document as privileged, conditional coding could require selection of the privilege type. Mutually exclusive coding generates a warning when a document is coded with conflicting designations (e.g., Responsive and Not Responsive). Both of these additions to your workflow can ensure that no steps in the review process are missed regardless of the accuracy of the reviewers.

Automation to the rescue

Casepoint can also help to reduce the number of tags or issues that actually have to be applied manually by reviewers, especially across email families. Once a designation is made on one document in a family (likely the parent email) our propagation features can be configured to automatically apply all tags exactly to the other family members. Even when documents are not in a family, Casepoint can reduce the amount of tagging needed when you are sequentially finding document after document that need exactly the same coding. Use our “Apply Previous” feature for tags, issues and even notes to have consistent coding and speed up review. For document collections with long e-threads and many near duplicate documents, try coding these in bulk right from the Casepoint viewer.

All of Casepoint’s coding features are easy to use and have been designed with our clients’ review needs in mind.  The key to accurate and accelerated performance is a partnership between review managers and our experienced Client Services team to make the most of Casepoint’s technology.

Casepoint Coding Features: Pick Up the Pace of First Level Review


Ivette Basterrechea

Director, Client Services
