Innovation in the legal industry is all the buzz. From contract automation, legal department management, AI-driven document analysis, and outside counsel management, there are a slew of new products, services, and solutions to help make the legal industry more efficient and effective. I’m looking forward to the educational programs at Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC)’s conference in Las Vegas from May 9-12, where legal operations professionals will network and discuss all the advancements that have been made in the past few years.

I participated in a 2022 LegalTech Trends roundtable discussion in March and found that the importance of the legal operations function is continuing to grow and become more indispensable. Legal operations professionals play a critical role in driving adoption of technology. Legal operations are increasingly responsible for managing the technology infrastructure including cloud-based solutions, integrating workflows between systems, and mitigating data security risk.

Here are three key topics I am looking forward to explore with my colleagues at CLOC:

Data Security

It is no secret that data security is a top concern of legal departments. For corporations, managing risk is two fold. First is protecting against cyber security threats and being ready to respond to data breaches and privacy laws. Second, is focusing on data security within their systems and their vendors. As security threats and risks increase, I am interested in hearing new perspectives on ways legal teams are controlling access to data. With the right technology,  legal teams create a chain of custody and can better control who has access, what data is shared or sent, when it is sent, and what data comes back.

Impact of Cloud and Collaboration Applications

Two years ago no one was spending hours a day on Zoom meetings or having entire departments communicate via Slack. But cloud data storage, communication, and collaboration are now considered the norm, and in turn have impacted the discovery process. Last fall I participated in an ACEDS roundtable discussion with T-Mobile and Capital One on the Impact of Cloud Apps and Data on eDiscovery (click to watch on demand). I’m eager to learn more about how legal teams are adapting to cloud and collaboration applications as these tools and data types become standard. Casepoint’s flexible eDiscovery solutions and API offer the opportunity to truly help corporations manage their data for the purposes of internal investigations, compliance, and litigation review. Casepoint will be sharing ways our integration capabilities have impacted the development of our legal hold and data preservation and collection.

AI and Predictive Analytics in eDiscovery

The days of thinking that, “the legal industry is behind other industries by 10 years,” are far behind us, and notably the legal industry is now often leading the charge in the use of predictive analytics to produce results more quickly and accurately. It’s no secret that advancements in AI and predictive analytics can drastically improve speed and accuracy of discovery and directly counter rising legal costs. I am looking forward to hearing how legal teams are thinking about AI. 

Let’s Connect at CLOC

The last time Casepoint attended CLOC in person, we found the event to be refreshing with its enthusiasm for sharing best practices and innovation with the legal industry. Stop by our booth 109  for a conversation about innovation and ingenuity. We cannot wait to hear perspectives and share our experiences and insights with corporate legal teams at CLOC 2022.

Casepoint at CLOC
David Carns


David Carns

Chief Revenue Officer

David Carns held the position of Casepoint’s Chief Revenue Officer from May 2010 to Mar 2023. He was responsible for sales, customer satisfaction, and implementing best practices. He brought over 24 years of litigation and technological experience supporting law firms and corporate clients.  Prior…