A Functional Workspace Platform for the Future
Enterprises in just about every industry are creating virtual workspaces and customized applications on aggressive timelines to streamline collaborative work, automate labor-intensive tasks and reuse existing data in creative and powerful new ways. Why not law firms and legal departments?
Until recently, legal organizations have lacked the technological expertise, IT staff and development tools to make it possible or practical. But with the emergence of highly flexible, low code or even no code application development tools on platforms designed specifically for diverse legal workflows, the dynamic is beginning to change. It is now becoming practical for legal IT employees and even non-IT staff, like lawyers and paralegals, to quickly create customized functional workspaces and applications for everyday business purposes.
Legal organizations are finally catching on to the fact the data they are sitting on – whether it is generated from eDiscovery, litigation, billing, financial, risk management or other activities – is not just a byproduct of tools and workflows to be used, stored and archived, but an underutilized resource that can generate tremendous value. The data can be integrated and repurposed in novel ways to create new efficiencies, reduce cost and risk, increase transparency and accountability, and produce game-changing business intelligence. Creating functional workspaces and other applications to quickly adapt to new challenges and opportunities is a promising way to leverage the power of that data.
To read the full article, go to page 16 in ILTA’s Peer to Peer quarterly magazine.