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Effective, Responsible Artificial Intelligence

Meet CaseAssist, Casepoint’s built-in artificial intelligence and advanced analytics suite designed to optimize data discovery for eDiscovery, investigations, compliance, FOIA requests, and more. Our AI helps you build a convincing case by finding and showing the connection between key facts, documents, data, and people. So you can reduce the number of documents you need to review and find relevant data 95% faster.

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CaseAssist is Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence

The leading corporations and government entities trust Casepoint’s powerful, data discovery platform with advanced machine learning technology to save them time, reduce unnecessary spend, and keep their data secure. Casepoint’s customers benefit from the ability to support sophisticated workflows across millions of documents and hundreds of users with custom reporting and data management capabilities.

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CaseAssist Wins Predictive Analytics Solution of the Year

Casepoint’s AI recently won first place in the Predictive Analytics solution category. CaseAssist, accelerates review to identify relevant data more quickly and accurately at scale.  Automate manual and repetitive tasks to cut review costs and spend more time focusing on case strategy.

CaseAssist AI — CaseAssist Features Turn Complex Data Into Simple Review

Advanced Analytics

Quickly identify the most relevant documents and efficiently review your collection using advanced analytics developed using multiple artificial intelligence tools.

Advanced Analytics

CaseAssist Active Learning

Deliver powerful results with CaseAssist Active Learning, which constantly learns from your input to continuously predict and rank unreviewed documents, so you can identify relevant data sooner.


Dynamic Review Workflow

Review prioritization, review automation, and workflow automation while leveraging CaseAssist Active Learning with our integrated dynamic batch solution.

Dynamic Review Workflow Screenshot

Data Stories

Find and review key documents quickly by searching for specific terms, dates, individuals, and essential information to build “stories” from the data.

Data Story

Advanced Search

Achieve more targeted results with our advanced search, specifically developed as a hybrid of content (text) search, field search, and analytics.

Advanced Search

Near Similarity

Save time by identifying similar documents, grouping the results, finding documents with specific text or culling those with duplicate text using “near similar” search.

Near Similarity

Email Threading

Streamline a document review using email threading to make it more efficient to review and tag emails. By reviewing the entire thread at once, you can see the conversation as it originally occurred, giving you better insight into the data.

Email Threading


Use “clustering” to create review efficiencies by identifying and grouping similar documents. In this way, documents that cover the same topics will be identified and grouped for your review.


AI-Powered eDiscovery Delivers Faster Insights, Risk Control, and Workflow Optimization

CaseAssist Active Learning is simple to use with powerful results. It enables legal teams to accurately and defensibly identify the most relevant documents and cull non-relevant data automatically with minimal human intervention, saving countless hours of expensive human review time.

CaseAssist Active Learning Workflow

See Why Our Customers Love Us

End-To-End Data Discovery in a Single, Secure Platform