
Like many corporations, this client’s law department is responsible for handling a multitude of matters from litigation and internal investigations, to claims unique to the transportation and logistics industry. With limited in-house eDiscovery expertise, their control and oversight of outside counsel eDiscovery costs, data management, and security were limited.

Manual processes and disparate systems were limiting their internal ability to collect, process, review, and analyze information at scale. The legal department sought to implement a scalable legal operations automation strategy that would centralize eDiscovery, support their unique workflows, and ultimately generate long-term legal efficiency and cost savings. They selected Casepoint as their eDiscovery partner to guide them in their legal operational maturity journey.

The Challenge

The client had growing claims and litigation volumes, but used a patchwork of legacy systems and disjointed processes. Without in-house eDiscovery expertise, they relied on help from outside counsel, but this limited their oversight into eDiscovery costs, data security, and project timelines.

The Solution

After a rigorous selection process, Casepoint was selected because of the clear strength of our technology, robust client engagement model, and competitive pricing. Casepoint’s extensible, end-to-end eDiscovery technology allowed the client to achieve their cost reduction and efficiency goals. Through a close partnership and custom API development, the client is realizing the benefits of legal operations automation. They have better control of their data, workflows, and processes, including integration with their litigation management system and more to come.

Key Client Objectives and Success Achieved To Date

System Scalability and Tech Stack Consolidation

Casepoint architected a single data repository for speed and scale, supporting thousands of client matters and users. Tech stack consolidation paved the way for legal operations automation by creating new opportunities for data re-use that were impossible with disparate systems and manual processes. This client continues to gain efficiency and time savings with the ability to run searches across workspaces and transfer documents to individual matters/workspaces that then can be provisioned to outside counsel.

Comprehensive Training and User Adoption

A key objective was to select an eDiscovery partner with a well-designed training program that could empower a “Train the Trainer” approach. Today, the client is capable of competently training new team members and confidently relies on Casepoint for surge support, especially when the need arises to train and support outside counsel.

Process Automation and Custom Systems Integration

The client continues to evolve its legal operations automation strategy with Casepoint’s Client Engagement Model. Casepoint’s flexible architecture creates possibilities for workflow automation. System integrations, dynamic workspace provisioning, and automatic matter creation are just some examples of custom integrations built to streamline legal operations functions.

A Large Berkshire Hathaway Company Achieves Time and Cost Savings Through Advanced Legal Operations Automation
