This whitepaper delves into the trends and challenges impacting legal departments today and how the importance of legal operations has evolved. In order to address challenges with effective Governance, Compliance, and Risk, corporate legal departments require an operations-oriented approach, and can begin addressing this by understanding:

  • How growing data volumes, risk, and data privacy compliance challenges are driving the need for operational maturity

  • An overview of the CLOC Core 12 functional areas and how maturity can be applied to each area

  • Best-fit opportunities for operational efficiency, predictability, and improvement at any stage of your maturity roadmap

Download the whitepaper to start your journey to Legal Operations Maturity.

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The number of operational challenges have increased the discovery use cases that must be supported by eDiscovery workflows today, which is another challenge for corporate legal departments. Legal departments across the globe are under intense pressure to respond to a rapidly changing business environment.

  • 79%

    U.S. cyber-insurance prices increased 79% from 2021, after more than doubling in each of the preceding two quarters.

  • 83%

    In a recent survey, 83% of respondents said they continued accessing accounts from their previous employer after leaving the company and 56% of respondents said they had used their continued digital access to harm their former employer.

  • 287 days

    The average time taken for businesses to detect and contain breaches is 287 days – 212 to detect and 75 to contain.

Cloc core 12-1

CLOC and the CLOC Core 12

Another indicator that legal ops has emerged in importance within corporate legal departments is the rise of the Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC) as a driving force for legal operations technology and best practices.

How Our Structured Model Helps You Reach Operational Maturity

The benefits of increased maturity can be transformational for legal departments. The Casepoint eDiscovery Maturity Model dives into the advantages of progressing through the stages of maturity.

eDiscovery Maturity Success Stories

Hear from leading corporations that have partnered with Casepoint to take control and streamline their workflows. These are proven success stories where standardizing on one eDiscovery technology have resulted in less risk and more control and transparency over legal spend.

eDiscovery Maturity and the CLOC Core 12