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Better Care, Custody, and Control Over Data With Casepoint Filestore™
blog By Oliver Silva
Casepoint Filestore™: Extending the Casepoint Platform to Give You More Control of Your Data
product brochure
Casepoint Filestore™ — Secure, Scalable, and Cost-Effective Cloud Data Management and Storage
Eliminate the excessive risks and costs of staging data on your organization’s servers. Casepoint Filestore™ offers a single location to manage legal compliance and investigative data while providing a transparent and defensible chain of custody. -
blog By Chris Kruse
The New “Chaos” in Enterprise Data: How Experts Are Reacting to GenAI Prompt Data
blog By Amy Hilbert
Like Law Firms, Government Agencies Move to the Cloud [Bloomberg Law]
blog By Amit Dungarani
GDPR Compliance is not a Rubber Stamp for CCPA Compliance