Browse industry reports, case studies, whitepapers, and more.
Better Care, Custody, and Control Over Data With Casepoint Filestore™
blog By Haresh Bhungalia
A Letter to the Casepoint Community by Haresh Bhungalia, Casepoint CEO
blog By Oliver Silva
Casepoint Filestore™: Extending the Casepoint Platform to Give You More Control of Your Data
What is a Legal Hold? An Overview of the Litigation Hold Process
This article covers what a legal hold is and the important components of legal holds, including the steps to implementing a legal hold and more. -
blog By Amit Dungarani
How the Right Technology Enables eDiscovery Maturity
blog By Jessica Robinson
Transform Your Legal Operations Using the Enterprise eDiscovery Maturity Model
product brochure
Cloud Collections You Can Trust
Our powerful data collection and preservation capabilities are built into our end-to-end Legal Discovery platform, saving legal teams time and costs. -
product brochure
Casepoint Legal Hold for Corporations
Casepoint’s Legal Hold solution lowers risk and cuts the cost and time corporate litigators spend on the legal hold process. -
case study
A Large Berkshire Hathaway Company Achieves Time and Cost Savings Through Advanced Legal Operations Automation
A major Berkshire Hathaway corporation selects Casepoint for its scalable eDiscovery technology and client engagement approach, which results in a company-wide ROI award for the legal department.